Professor James Hough, FRS
Director, Institute of Gravitational Research
Glasgow University
Abstract - Ripples from the dark side of the Universe
Gravitational waves – a prediction of Einstein’s
General Relativity – are among the most elusive signals from
far out in the Universe. Over this winter astrophysicists in the
UK, Europe and the USA will have their first real chance of finding
gravitational waves using laser interferometers, with km scale arms,
in Europe and the USA.
In this talk I will explain the nature of gravitational waves, how
they can be detected and why this is important science to carry out. Biography
James Hough has been active in the search for gravitational waves for the
past 35 years. Currently he is the principal investigator in the UK for the UK/German
GEO 600 experiment, is very active in developments for an upgrade to the US LIGO
observatories, and is a member of the international science team for the space-borne
LISA detector.
More information on IGR can be found at:-
An article written by James Hough in Physics World earlier this year, can be
found at:
